2023 Fontana Stake Vision

  • Inspire our members and friends to prepare Fontana for the second coming of Jesus Christ by learning to live a higher and holier way.  
  • Get all our members to become truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by encouraging regular attendance to the Lord’s Holy Temple and increasing the number of full tithe payers in the stake. We will accomplish this by praying, fasting, reading our scriptures and doing “Come, Follow Me” with our families.  
  • Get members truly engaged in Missionary work by doubling the baptism of our friends this next year.  
  • Inspire every Elders Quorum member and Relief Society member to minister as Jesus Christ ministered.
  • Include our YSA members in our councils and find ways to help them prosper in the gospel by providing gospel centered and faith promoting activities for them and led by them.  
  • We will help each Young Women come to better understand her divine heritage and help her to know that she is a beloved daughter of heavenly parents with an eternal destiny.
  • We will inspire our Young Men and teach them the important commitment each of them makes to go on a mission.  We will help them to fulfill that commandment.
  • We will teach our children to know that Jesus Christ is the reason we are baptized and teach them that baptism is only the first step toward a lifelong journey of covenant making and keeping, because we are followers of Jesus Christ.
  • We will work hard to create a new Spanish speaking unit this next year through baptism, reactivation, and training leaders in our amazing Hispanic community in Fontana. 
  • Everything above, we will do because we love and serve Jesus Christ.  Everything we do, we will focus on our Savior Jesus Christ of whom we are disciples.  
If you were inspired, share with others!