2024 Fontana Stake Vision

Think Celestial!

The very reason the earth was created was so families could be formed and sealed to each other.  With this in mind, we will focus on the temple.

  • Each ward will work to bring or bring back 12 families or individuals to the temple.
  • Each ministering brother and sister will be invited to work with at least one family who would be eternally blessed by getting to the temple or back to the temple.  Our Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidencies will work one on one with each minister to develop a loving plan of action to get these families to the temple to receive the blessing of a temple sealing.   
  • Each member makes a personal commitment to attend the temple at least once a month, if not more.  

This year, our dear Prophet is in his 100th year of life.  We will work hard to bring more than 100 souls to the gospel through the covenant of Baptism.

  • Each week, we will try to have a youth speaker in every ward.  We will invite every youth that speaks to invite a friend to see them speak.  We will also invite our children to be baptized to invite their friends to come and see them be baptized.  This will bless the rising generation.  We will encourage the Adults to follow the example of the youth.  
  • We will continue our Hispanic Outreach council and continue to find ways to reach out to and bless the lives of our Fontana Hispanic brothers and sisters.
  • We will have more activities as a whole with the purpose of giving our friends a way to interact with our members.  With each ward activity, we want to open it up to any member of the stake to bring a friend to.  This will also create unity in the stake as we interact with other wards.  
  • We will work to develop a plan to be the master of technology and use it to do missionary work. We will use technology to invite, invite, invite.  

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17)

  • We will ask each ward to develop a service project that the entire stake can participate in.  We will also invite our friends in the community to serve alongside us.  
  • We will ask each young man to fulfill the promise he made in the premortal life by committing to serving a mission.  
  • Make sure each Melchizedek Priesthood holder knows how to give a priesthood blessing.  Encourage them to offer to bless as many people as they can this year.  

All of this we will do, because we are disciples of Jesus Christ and our goal is to gather Israel and prepare Fontana for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If you were inspired, share with others!