Elder Stacey serving in Cambodia

Elder Stacey is a missionary from Fontana serving currently in Cambodia.  He is pictured above with the branch president of Siem Reap in Cambodia. We currently have 17 missionaries serving all over the world but prior to this, hundreds from Fontana have served.  They serve from 18 months to two years.  Below is one of Elder Stacey’s weekly emails he sends home.  

Pray to Know the Truth through the Holy Ghost

Hello everyone! This week was incredible. I’m not going to waste any space in this email, so I’m going to tell you about just a FEW of the miracles I saw this past week.

Miracle 1:
The lockdown ended! Unfortunately it ended up having a much bigger effect than I was hoping for originally, this week when the lockdown ended, everything started booming again!

Miracle 2:
This week in Siem Reap, my district helped many people recieve baptism! Because I am the district leader, one of my responsibilities is to interview people, and at the end of many days this last week, I found myself losing my voice because I had talked for hours at a time. However, it was all worth it, as we were able to see 23 people get baptized! It’s amazing to see all of our hard work paying off, and also the readiness and willingness of the people here. It’s truly inspiring.

Miracle 3:
Two of the people to get baptized were very old women. One of them cannot walk or hear very well, and the other one is physically dumb, meaning she cannot speak. It was such an amazing experience to see them both get baptized, especially the one who cannot walk. Elder Sam, a missionary in my district, picked her up like a child and baptized her with  such loving care, it touched every heart in the room. It’s amazing to see that no matter how old, the gospel is made for everyone.

Miracle 4:
This one is so unbelievable, I almost didn’t believe it myself. Obviously, I had the opportunity to interview the woman who could not speak. I adapted the questions to yes or no questions, and planned to explain certain things to make sure that she understood them clearly. She has not been able to speak for years, and she communicates with her family through a series of hand signals. But during our interview, in clear spoken language, she said “I  believe!” I was shocked, surprised, and overall just so happy, as she continued to answer my questions vocally throughout the whole interview. After the interview, she went back to not speaking, and only being able to grunt. But I will remember this experience forever.

Miracle 5:
Coming off of Miracle 4, this one is not as amazing, but it’s still insanely awesome. We had transfer calls this past week, and transfers happened on Saturday. And yet I am still here in Siem Reap. Yep, I’m staying here for another transfer. I am EXCITED. This is what I have been hoping for all of last transfer, and it happened. I’m excited to continue working here and finish training my mission son, Elder Tha. By the end of this transfer, including my one transfer in Siem Reap at the beginning of my mission, I will have served here for 9 months, which is longer than the entire time I served in the entire Tacoma Washington mission!

My spiritual thought this week is short and simple. God loves you, and He will guide you throughout your life. All you have to do is believe in His name, and follow Him. Sometimes, we have questions, and don’t know where to turn, what to do, or what is right. But God wants to help, and He will answer your questions though the Holy Ghost. So go to Him with your questions! He will answer.

Love you all!

Elder Stacey

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