It's time to Serve. Just Serve!

As followers of Jesus Christ, we love serving in our community.   JustServe is a website that helps organizations and volunteers come together to do good things for the community.  Join us on one of the projects!  Check out with the link below or check out one of the ongoing projects in our area below.

Some of our Members in Action!

Some Projects in our Area

Chemotherapy treatments often leave young scalps too sensitive for traditional wigs. Our yarn wigs are comfy, soft and warm.  Magic yarn wigs are inspired by beloved Disney characters, and invite children back to the world of play and daydreaming.  They are beacons of fun, laughter and play, during scary times.

Our mission is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans lovingly created by volunteer blanketeers.  The blankets will be given to children, ages 0-18. 

Working in the garden; planting, weeding.  Help to organize, clean and upkeep the different sections of the Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center.

Building unity through community service.

If you were inspired, share with others!