Members of our Church in Fontana Stake participated in #LightTheWorld by transforming a yard for a member of our community. How can you #LightTheWord this Christmas season?

Our dear neighbor had to let his yard go due to medical issues he was having.  But he told us that every time he pulled into his driveway, he was was ashamed that his yard look so unkept.  Members of the Fontana Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints decided to help him get a new yard!  It was so fun and such a blessing to work hand in hand with our brothers and sister to make this happen for this amazing and deserving family.  

Our church encouraged us to #LightTheWorld by doing something for someone. 

Let your light shine this Christmas season as you love the people around you, share joy, and follow the example of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that the video above was directed and filmed by some of our amazing and talented youth in our Stake! Check out the video below to see some of the behind the scene work done by these amazing youth!

If you were inspired, share with others!