Missionary work here in Fontana

Dear Ward Council members,

I wanted to let you know about a special devotional that will happen discussing missionary work.  This devotional will have Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Bednar and Elder Cook and our very own Area Presidency.  The devotional is scheduled for this Sunday at 5:00pm, but it is pre-recorded so Bishops, you may schedule your ward council to watch it when it will be convenient for each of you. 

We would like ward councils to meet with all the members of the ward missionary coordination meeting or huddles (including the youth and full-time missionaries assigned to the ward) to watch the broadcast together and then discuss inspired ideas that they received while watching the broadcast.  The devotional lasts about 40 minutes so that leaves a lot of time for discussion.  We will be doing this as a stake leadership council as well. 





We hope and pray that by discussing this very important work, that we will come up with some inspired ways to move our missionary work forward here in Fontana.  This will be a great discussion to prepare for our special 5th Sunday meeting on Sharing the Gospel we will all be having in each of our wards on July 31st.  The goal of this 5th Sunday meeting will be to:

  1. Help each young man prepare for and serve a full-time mission, and help each young woman who desires, to prepare for and serve a full-time mission.
  2. Help each member share the gospel of Jesus Christ in normal and natural ways by acting upon the principles of love, share, and invite.

Some additional resources to plan your 5th Sunday discussion can be found here:





Our greatest work here on the earth right now is to Gather Israel.  We pray as a stake presidency that we can unite here in Fontana and do our part to find those who are seeking truth in this confused world we live in.  We love you all,


President Stacey


Sharing the Gospel: A Broadcast for Leaders

Sharing the Gospel: A Broadcast for Leaders teaches church leaders how to help members understand the principles of love, share, and invite and encourages wards to have weekly missionary coordination meetings help to align sharing the gospel efforts. Speakers include Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Elder David A. Bednar, and Elder Quentin L. Cook.

Key Questions:

  1. In what ways can you love, share, and invite in your community?
  2. How can you coordinate the work of sharing the gospel at the ward level?


Examples of Acting on the Principles of Love, Share, and Invite

Examples of church members acting upon the principles of love, share, invite as they are inspired. 

Key Questions:

  1. How can you share your love, life, and faith more with others?
  2. How can you invite more individuals to come unto Christ and participate in His gospel?


Using Technology to Love, Share, and Invite

Examples of church members who utilize technology to love, share, and invite others to come unto Christ.

Key Questions:

  1. How can you share your love, life, and faith more with others using technology?
  2. How can you use technology to invite more individuals to come and see, come and serve, and come and belong?


Helping New Members Participate in Proxy Baptisms

Interview with new members who recently performed proxy baptisms in temples for their deceased ancestors. 

Key Question:

  1. How can you help new and returning members prepare for and participate in baptisms for their deceased ancestors?


Examples of Weekly Missionary Coordination Meetings

Examples of weekly missionary coordination meetings around the world

Key Questions:

  1. How can you focus your weekly missionary coordination meetings on helping new and returning members, people being taught, and people who may be interested in the gospel?
  2. How can we make our weekly missionary coordination meeting more effective?


July 31, 2022, Fifth Sunday – Sharing the Gospel (50 minutes)

The bishopric should consider inviting the Relief Society presidency, elders quorum presidency, ward mission leader, and youth leaders to participate in facilitating the discussion. The bishopric should also determine whether youth and adults should meet separately or together.


The purpose of this meeting is to recognize and discuss together the joy and blessings that come from sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Focus the meeting on the following two objectives:

  1. Help each young man prepare for and serve a mission, and help each young woman who desires to prepare for and serve a mission.
  2. Help each member share the gospel of Jesus Christ in normal and natural ways by acting upon the principles of love, share, and invite.

Follow the guidance of the Spirit as you prepare. Teach in a way that encourages your ward or branch members to participate in the discussion, especially the youth. The following outline has been provided for your use in preparing. Download PDF

Our Covenant Responsibility and Blessing to Preach the Gospel of Peace (10 minutes)

Begin the meeting by showing the following clip from President Russell M. Nelson’s recent general conference address.

Video Clip of President Russell M. Nelson
President Russell M. Nelson speaks in the April 2022 general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Video Clip of President Russell M. Nelson

Questions for discussion (5 minutes): 

  • What did you learn or what impressions did you receive during the prophet’s message?
  • Why is sharing the gospel so important to the Lord?
  • How do you feel about President Nelson’s comments about the Lord’s expectations of the rising generation regarding missionary service?
  • What can we do personally and collectively to accomplish what the Lord expects of us regarding sharing the gospel?

Preparing for Missionary Service (10 minutes)

The following video clips from President M. Russell Ballard and Elder Quentin L. Cook share counsel on how the youth can personally prepare for missionary service and how family, friends, and Church leaders can have a positive influence.

Video Clips from President Ballard and Elder Cook
President M. Russell Ballard and Elder Quentin L. Cook speak in the April 2022 general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Video Clips from President Ballard and Elder Cook

Questions for discussion (5 minutes): 

  • How can family, leaders, and friends help children and youth prepare and serve?
  • What are you as a youth doing to follow the prophet’s direction to prepare for missionary service?
  • How can you as a youth help your friends prepare to serve?

The Blessings of Missionary Service (8 minutes)

In this video, President Ballard shares his personal experience of deciding to serve a mission as a young man and the blessings he received as a result.

Video Clip of President M. Russell Ballard
President M. Russell Ballard speaks in the April 2022 general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Video Clip of President M. Russell Ballard

Questions for discussion (5 minutes): 

  • For those who have served missions, how has that experience blessed your life?
  • What are you—as youth and as adults—looking forward to during your missionary service?

Other Scriptures and Resources 

Love, Share, Invite (16 minutes)

The blessings and joy of missionary work are available to each of us. All Church members are blessed as we—in normal and natural ways—love God and our neighbors; share the gospel as an extension of our personal, family, and church life; and invite others to come and see, to come and help, and to come and belong. Sharing the gospel gives joy to us, to the Lord, and to others; it brings the Spirit and God’s power more abundantly into our lives (Mosiah 18:10John 15:4-5); it protects us from temptation (3 Nephi 18:24-25); and it brings healing and forgiveness of sins (Doctrine and Covenants 62:3).  

The following videos from Elders Quentin L. Cook and Gary E. Stevenson expound on these teachings.

Video Clip of Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Elder Gary E. Stevenson speaks in the April 2022 general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Video Clip of Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Young Adult Devotional with Elder Cook for Europe, Europe East, Middle East, and Africa Areas

Video Clip of Elder Quentin L. Cook (Coming Soon)

Questions for discussion (10 minutes):

  • How does sharing the gospel bring us closer to Jesus Christ?
  • How can you normally and naturally involve others in your Christ-centered life?
  • How can our ward or branch create an environment where it is easy to love, share, and invite?

Other Scriptures and Resources 

Final Remarks, Invitation, and Witness (2 minutes)

  • Invite the class to prayerfully consider how to help each other and especially the youth prepare for missionary service.
  • Invite ward leaders and members to minister to those who have not yet heard the prophet’s message.
  • Invite the youth to prepare for missionary service and to invite their friends to do likewise.
  • Invite all to actively love, share, and invite those around them in normal and natural ways.
  • Bear witness of the restored gospel and the joy of sharing it with others.
If you were inspired, share with others!