Youth Standard Night

We had an amazing Standard Night for our Young Women and Young Men last night with a keynote speech by Bishop Broberg and break out classes on 

  • Overcoming Challenges by Sister Hamilton,
  • How to be a Good and Supportive Friend by Sister Garcia and,
  • Life Planning and Goal Setting by Brother Gustafson.  

Scroll down to see what some of our youth said about what they learned!

We asked the youth at the end of the night, "What did you learn from our speaker's that will help you in your life?" Below are their answers in their own words!

How to be a better friend and how to work on getting feed spiritual, intellectual, and physical each day!
Something that helped me was to just keep pushing forward and never give up.
Life supporting ideas and ways of self improving on our own ways of living and ways of thinking.
Face your fears and be better to help others and yourself.
To budget our lives.
I learned that how to have better self esteem, and that it is okay to get help when you need it.
That we can overcome challenges, and hard things. That through these hard things we can and will persevere.
If we “be the turtle” in our lives, by making good choices and being consistent, we will be blessed in our lives.
I learned that we need to remember the Savior in everything we do and to continue to be happy in our life. Because life is hard but he is always there.
I learned to always talk to someone when you need help and to never face trails alone.
I learned that we need to be a good friend to whoever and everyone. And that personally, we are not going through our problems by ourselves. Our Heavenly Father knows what we are going through.
I learned that we need to have goals and also have friends that will support us. And finally, have some comfort to do the things we need to do with our lives. This is what I learned.
That it’s ok not to be okay sometimes.
I learned not to compare myself to others.
Basically how I can be a great person.
To know my worth and to remember that Jesus Christ will always be there for me.
I learned that if you have no wind in your sails, your boat won’t go anywhere. So setting goals are important.
I learned how to easily do things by yourself and it’s okay to let your feelings out and ask your parents for help.
Every lesson was very helpful. I loved Sister Hamilton talking about hard things. Jesus will never leave you. And I loved bother Gustafson telling us to pray everyday and to read your scriptures everyday.
I have learned that I need to make spiritual and other goals in my life to better myself. I also learned that when I am struggling that I will always have help from others.
I learned from Sister Hamilton that it’s okay to be broken, but the Lord will always be there. We aren’t broken like a cookie, we are broken like a broken horse. it’s okay to not be okay. The Lord loves us and he will heal us. He loves us.
To never put yourself down and always have goals and always be a loving friend.
I learned that it’s ok to ask for help. I also learned that we all go through really hard struggles and we need to be there for each other.
To be more confident in choosing good friends that will influence me and live a more spiritual life.
Hard times are always going to come at us but they are not going to last forever. Everyone needs a friend. We need to be intentional, persistent and consistent.
I learned that you need to be financially stable and spiritual.
Something that I learned from our speakers is to always be there for others and to be a great friend to everyone because we are all going through something. If we have someone there to go through it with us it is always better.
During Sister Hamilton’s lesson, I really learned about some of the things that can help me no matter what I am going through. I felt the spirit so strong and I know what she said will help. One part that specifically stood out to me was the part where she talked about being brave. Whether it’s asking for help or making a leap of faith it will bless us greatly.
I learned a lot about what I can do to improve my life. One of the things that I can do to improve in my life is to keep goals and to learn a lot in life. I also learned to save money and to stay grounded in the gospel.
We can deal with hard things and we are not alone.
If I start now I can be done sooner, and as long as I keep going and try everyday to become better and grow, I can come closer to the Savior. I must repent everyday and make goals that I constantly work towards. If I take a S.I.P. (Do something spiritual, intellectual, and physical) everyday, I will feel better.
That we can be supportive to our friends.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Someone can always use a good and supportive friend.
To set goals for things that can help you in the future.
I learned how to make goals and to be a supportive friend.
They could help me choose the right.
I learned to be nice/loving for me and my friend and to everyone. I also learned to appreciate everyone.
That someone is always there for you.
I learned to be a better person to others.
To not compare yourself to others.
I learned to be a great friend and to be a good Influence to others, no matter who it is. I learned to be confident and not compare yourself to others and that you’ll always be loved and someone to talk too. I learned to be a tortoise and make good strong decisions for myself to prepare to be strong spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially.
We can help others with food, water, time and we can sacrifice our time to help others.
To be a supportive friend.
I learned that God will always be with us and we should be a supportive friend to others and love one another.
Financing, saving, sacrificing, and supporting.
I learned that by trusting in God, all of the trials we go through will become easier. I learned that even though he supports us, that doesn’t mean that we should rely on him to solve our problems. I learned which things to do right now which can help me better improve my life. I learned how to be a friend to someone in many ways. I learned that this life is a game of chicken and that it is more than okay to ask for help. Everyone is going through trials similar to you so, go along and give help to people as friends. It is okay to also receive help and to put yourself out there for others to guide/comfort you. Last, I learned that we all have the same amount of time in a day. Don’t waste it. I learned we all must take the time to make the right choices especially since the choices we make right now will have the biggest influences of our lives in the future. I learned how to slowly take a “SIP” everyday and I’m motivated to apply it from here on out. I personally would like help but I know what I want in life and I will use these methods to better help myself and my peers. To whoever is reading this thank you for the topics and I look forward to learning more about setting standards, thank you.
I felt the spirit intensely during Sister Hamilton’s lesson because it just seemed to relate to me so much. Also, when she asked us about what the hardest thing that ever happened to us was, I immediately thought of the time that I shot an arrow through my hand. Which was hard, because I had been told that I would have to have surgery on it, and that word just seemed to strike a nerve for me, and they (the doctors) had just calmly told me that I might even have to have my hand REMOVED, which was a hard thing to think about, but anyway, long story short, I (luckily) still have my hand, and made it out alive. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and the teachers did a fantastic job teaching us. Thank you and those amazing teachers for your time.
I learned a great many of things and I’m most definitely grateful for the experiences and knowledge I received. I learned the importance of being a good friend and lifting their burdens, recognizing the discomfort and pushing forward, and also to start now and to not be asleep spiritually and physically.

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